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马歇尔·霍夫将要探寻地球最强监狱恶魔岛的秘密,从铁栏杆的坚不可摧到环绕监狱臭名昭著的危险水域。同时也将探究最大胆最铤而走险犯人的越狱行动。他们用长时间的准备、聪明才智和对恶魔岛监狱弱点的利用寻求自由。去发现他们如何实现计划并且是否有人真的从恶魔岛逃脱呢? It was the world' s largest concrete building, housing the world' s most dangerous criminals. What design strengths made Alcatraz invincible? And what design failures made it a mecca for escape. Uncover the incredible of story of man vs. prison in ALCATRAZ: LIVING HELL.

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